Okay, so after re-reading my last post, I realized that I made Vegas sound too much like the Garden of Eden. Therefore, to balance everything out, I will tell you some of the stuff, that I do not love about Las Vegas.
*Green? What Green. When I lived in Utah, I saw green everywhere. Green grass, mountains, fields, etc. Here everything is brown. From the ground, to the houses all the way to the mountains. We have occasional green grass and plants, but not what I'm used too.
*June, July, and August. These months are torture. You can't even leave your house. The temperature rises up to 116 or so. The tap water won't even get cold.

*Blue Diamond. This road is my nemesis. I have to drive on it two times a day, to take Dylan to and from school. It is always under construction, and takes forever each way. Also, don't even get me started on the train that decides to stop on the tracks crossing every day. Why don't I take another road you ask? Because there is no other road that goes across the tracks besides Blue Diamond.
*Traffic. It doesn't matter what road, or really what time of day. There is going to be traffic. Coming from a town that has three stop lights, this was a big adjustment for me.
*Price of Living. Regular gas is $3.36. Do I need to say more.
So those are my cons. I decided to list those, just so everyone doesn't think that we live in Adam-ondi-Ahman.
I totaly agree. I love living in Las Vegas too. My family thinks it's funny that I think it beautiful here, but i like it. I lived in the OC for a while where everything in green, EVERYTHING and that can be a little much too. Maybe I'm just a brown kind of person. But don't you think the Mountains look sorta purple from afar?
Ok, I LOVE Vegas and still want to live there one day. I hope you are still there when I finally get to! The OC cost of living: Gas=$3.77, milk goes on sale 2 for $6.39, and a dozen eggs $3.99. It makes coming to Vegas look cheap, then if we move further north to Utah everything looks like they are giving it away! I know those of us from Tremonton will always hold it above the rest, but you have to admit it is nice to have malls and other fun stuff closer than 30 minutes away! :)
it IS beautiful here.. and I honestly don't mind the crazy heat in the summer. at least you can swim and it's so much better than freezing all winter.
the traffic TOTALLY sucks.
Ashley, I've totally enjoyed your last couple of posts. I love that you're such an animal lover and even have little Bob coming to visit. It's always so fun to hear about new books too. I'll put the CS Lewis down on my list for sure. Loved both posts about Vegas, the good and the bad. I definitely don't miss the heat, but I do miss our family and friends especially my little friend down the road. Wish our little ones could play together. Miss you Ash!
Ashley- I found your blog through a friend in your ward. I had heard you moved but it looks like you are still in Vegas. I can't believe how big the kids are! They are so cute!
Vegas ROCKS!! I've never been to Vegas and not had an awesome time!!
Hi Ash,
Cute Pictures..Looks like your having fun!! Im just glad you don't get LOST in Vegas anymore!!! (AT the Movie)
There is good and bad every where, and personally I think it is better then Tremonton. At least everyone doesn't know everything about you. It love being able to keep in touch with you. Keep writing. -Nat
I was born and raised here, so I feel obligated to tell people that when I was a kid, Vegas WAS green. if you go to the older neighborhoods, everyone has huge trees, big grassy yards, and tons of plants. Or they did before all the laws were passed for the fake drought. (Don't get me started on the drought.) And in my neighborhood growing up, there were no cookie cutter houses. Every house was different. I wish that neighborhood hadn't become the ghetto- it was great.
And summer nights here are my favorite. You can go swimming at midnight and not freeze, you don't have to bring a jacket when you go out, it's perfect. It makes the wicked hot days bearable.
hey I love Vegas! Can we come move in it sounds fun and I want to go to girl's night too! Nothing fun like that is Tremonton! Maybe my new neighbor (Tangi)and I will have to make Tremonton the new Vegas!
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