Sunday, February 8, 2009

Potato Heads

My kids have been suffering from Potatotitis lately. It is a rare disease where your child starts to dress themselves up like potato heads.

Here are a few of the funny things Dylan has said lately:

-(While looking at Zoey) Wow that dog is so very very big.

-This is a temple of God. (He put two graham crackers into a point over a soup can.)

-Don't be ridickerous.

-Mom I'm scared. Can you drive to the temple and pick up Jesus?
-Mom I need to get dinner ready before dad gets home or he will be cross.
-It looks like you have a choice mom. You can either give me the chair or I am going to wreck something.


Valerie said...

That is so cute, Ashley. What cute little potato heads they make :)

Wendy said...

"You can either give me the chair or I am going to wreck something." Sounds like someone has learned to turn your tactics back on you. Heehee.

The Holmgrens said...

They are hilarious!!!! My kids do that with their potato head classes too. Livie's room is so cute! I love how you painted the walls.

Chandra said...

THIS IS MY FAVORITE THING ABOUT YOUR BLOG! I love the quotes! "Mom, I'm scared. Can you drive to the temple and pick up Jesus?"- Brilliant! You should write a book! Seriously!

jfb said...

so cute! you're smart to write down all the funny things they say ... I need to start doing that.

The Birds said...

Oh, I DO LOVE your kidddos! They are absolutely delightful!! And what a fitting bed for the princess! I almost cried the first time Madalyn went to dance class. I don't know who was more thrilled that she loved it - me or her!!!

Heidi said...

Whoever said you should write a book is correct. You could entitle is Dylanisms. The potato head effect is marvelous.