Monday, November 3, 2008

Crazy Sunday

(Before the accident, they weren't really sleeping, just pretending)

Yesterday was one of those crazy mornings. Jon and Dylan were playing before church, spinning around in our computer chair, when Dylan slipped and hit his head on the corner of our cedar chest. Of course being a head wound, it started pouring blood. (Maybe pouring is to much, but it sure seemed like that!) We changed his shirt and jumped in the car to take him to the ER. My good friend Kate watched Livie for us, and took her to church. (Thank you Kate, you were a lifesaver.) Dyl did pretty well once we got there. He kept calling the nurses and doctors giants, and every time they left without touching his head he would say, whew, that was close. We know he was in pain, but he was coherent enough to try and bargain a new toy out of it. Luckily, the wound was more of a puncture and not a gash, so the doctor just had to glue it. We are so lucky no stitches or staples were involved. They put a bandage around his head and he looked so cute! Like a little wounded soldier. I wish I had my camera, but I didn't really think I would need it. I think the worst part for Dylan was when the doctor had to cut his hair around the wound with scissors. Dyl was terrified, but the doctor was quick, and it was over soon. Today he is back to normal and telling us his head feels "smaller" now.

(This isn't really the best picture, but it was the best we could get out of him.)
This picture didn't even happened that day, but I love it and wanted to post it.


The Reese's said...

your mom was telling us that story! how not fun! i'm glad he's feeling better.

Cadle Clan said...

I hope he heals quickly. Head wounds are the worst! Miss you guys! (and I'm glad you're not private anymore- I can add you to my blog!)

Dave and Krisha said...

Ah the joy's of boys! We have had our fair share of trips to the ER too. He was a brave little soldier! I hope he's feeling better! He is too cute. He says the funniest things. I love it!

Emily B said...

I was wondering where you were on Sunday. I'm glad Dylan is okay. Did he get the toy he bargained for?

Christie said...

Oh Ash, I don't know if it's the joys of boys or just kids, my boys never had a stitch or break, they left that up to the girls in the family. Whit had so many I thought they were going to call social services on us. Hope all is well with Dylan. Sounds like he handled the trauma like a champ!!! Good man Dyl, Take care, Christie

The Birds said...

Oh, poor Dylan. I love how he said, "Phew, that was close"! I seriously love that kid! Give him a big hug and a kiss better from me!

vickersfam said...

I'm glad to hear Dylan's head is feeling 'smaller' now. I heard about the incident (and did nursery music time, which was fun!), but didn't know how it all turned out. The injury sounds very similar to Avery's, but I think she's going to have a scar for life there now.

Callisters said...

Oh that is horrible, but he sounded so brave. As young moms I think we must start our list of stiches and brakes because I am sure there are going to be many!

Jeremy and Taren said...

Glad Dylan is ok. Hope everything is going better for you guys!

theoskilanecfamily said...

Oh my goodness I am so glad to hear he is doing better also! Love your Halloween pics they looked darling!!

Hibbard Family said...

Nothing like a nice calm Sunday morning huh! I'm glad it wasn't bad enough for stitches, and also, what toy did he bargain??

Haguewood Family said...

Glad things worked out okay! Don't you only wish the ER bill would too? Your kids looked darling at Halloween. We are also doing a GNO for Twlilight. I can't wait!

The Smith Family said...

I'm so glad to that everything is ok now!!!!

Wendy said...

Head wounds on kids are always scary. Glad Dyl's okay.

Lisa Summers & Fam said...

I am always telling my kids not to run in the house because one of my brother's did that and it cracked a two inch gash which I had to secure long enough to get him to the hopsital. I hope he is feeling well.