Sunday, July 13, 2008

Am I Okay?

I have been asked this question a lot lately. I found out I have menorrhagia with dysfunctional uterine bleeding. I am not able to have any more kids. It was so devastating to find out. But, at the same time, it was nice to know what was going on with my body. I have to have surgery this Wednesday where they are going to do a endometrial ablation treatment, and a tubal ligation. I have such good friends and family, and everyone keeps asking if I'm okay. I always say yes with a smile, but I'm not always truthful. It builds up like a volcano, and then spills out when I've reached my limit. Usually the eruption occurs at my sweet Jon. I will tell him how unfair I think it is, that we both wanted a big family, and how I can't. I will get frustrated thinking that I could have learned my lessons through different avenues. But once I start to cool down, the reality hits me. There are so many people who have it so much worse than me. I know women who have this problem that have not been able to have any kids at all. My problem can be helped, and I'm not going to suffer from it like people with other diseases. I was able to give birth twice. When I was getting my pre-op tests done, the nurse asked me if I was pregnant before I went to get my x-ray. I laughed and told her that I wished. She looked at my paperwork, and said "Oh, I am so sorry. Were you able to have any kids?" When I told her I had two, she smiled and said, "Okay, you are okay then." I thought about that for awhile. She is right. Just because it hasn't turned out the way I thought it should, it turned out the way it was supposed to. I don't know the reason for it yet, but I'm sure in time I will. I am so blessed to have two healthy children, and an incredible husband, who I love more than anything in the world. So in answer to the above question, yes, I am okay, and I am very, very blessed.


Emily B said...

You are really lucky to have two beautiful kids, but it is still hard to have the choice to have more just taken away from you. If you want to vent, I say vent. I wouldn't say people understand what you're going through, but we do understand that this is not an easy thing for you. And I still think there are some kids out there who need you to adopt them and be their sweet mom.

Jeremy and Taren said...

You know I am here if you ever need to talk or vent. Our thoughts and prayers are with you for your surgery on Wednesday. Remember if you need anything, don't hesitate to call. In response to your last sentence, you are truly blessed. You have the most beautiful family and they have the most wonderful Mommy. Love ya!

The Holmgrens said...

I'm sorry Ashley. I have a friend who had 1 and then found out she couldn't have anymore. People like you who are such good parents always seem to not be able to have very many. Your two kids are so lucky to have you for a mom.

Wendy said...

{{hug}} I am glad you are okay and that you feel blessed. But on days where you feel sad or angry or cheated, just know that that's okay, too. Emotions aren't wrong- it's all about what you do with them. I'm sure as time goes by, you'll find more and more peace with your situation, but I think it's great that you're beginning to find it now. Please call if you need anything.

Callisters said...

I am so sorry. It is often something that is so hard to understand when something doesn't go the way we think or thought it would, but how lucky we are for our knowlege and strength with our beliefs of our eternal plan. You are so lucky to have such wonderful parents and family to help you through this and to give you the strength that you need. But truly how lucky those two litte darling kids of yours to have you as their mommy, the love and attention that they will always get from you will be endless! Good luck with everything, you will be in my thoughts and prayers.

The Vegas Veenendaal's said...

You are amazing and your attitude is amazing.... I am impressed with your ability to see the good in a situation that has to be so, extremely hard to deal with. I just want you to know that you are a great example to me, and that you inspire me to be a better mother...and you remind me that I need to be more grateful for what I have been given. PLEASE call me if you need anything... you know I am serious! :) I will be checking on you this week. Good luck with everything. Love Ya!

jfb said...

i'm so sorry you're going through this ashley! i think most women take all that for granted ... we just expect our bodies to do what we want them to do. good luck with your surgery this week. i hope you get feeling back to normal quickly.

The Reese's said...

ash sorry you have this trial in life. just know we are thinking and praying for you. hope to see you in a few weeks. :)

Joell said...

Oh Ash I had no idea! I am so so sorry and good luck with the surgery! I am seriously crying right now because I am so sorry for you! You are very blessed to have gotten 2 kids but you can still feel sad for the loss of not having more! I love you and am sorry for the pain this is causing you! You are a great mother and your two little ones may never know how truly lucky they are to have you as their mother! So sorry, my thoughts and prayers are with you!

california smiths said...

tang had told me about this, but I didn't realize the surgery was so soon! I hope it goes well, and you will be in our prayers. I am glad you have such a wonderful family that might make this a little easier. Good luck, I am sorry you are going through this...

Hibbard Family said...

Its perfectly understandable to feel upset and have mixed emotions about this. This is a tough pill to swallow, but you are so fortunate that there is a fix to the problem and you had 2 children before this came up. Don't hesitate if there's anything we can do!

The Birds said...

I love you! My heart truly goes out to you at this difficult time. I had NO idea there was even anything going on - what a horrible friend I've been! You truly are SO amazing though, and an amazing mom to Dylan and Olivia. How perfect too that you got to experience both a boy and a girl - and they are two of the CUTEST kids I know - seriously!!! I pray that all goes well with the surgery and that you will have a quick recovery, both physically and also emotionally. Just don't forget how much the Lord loves you!
~All my love,

The Mashy Family said...

You will be in my prayers Ash! Love ya and hope you get all through this easily and can keep your spirits up! YOu do have two wonderful and beautiful children. Heavenly Father has blessed you and think how lucky you are to have them. I know that does not make it easier but keep your head up.

The Simpson Family said...

I love you-rae

Haguewood Family said...

Sorry Ash! Ty and I always have the conversation wondering why the really good people such as yourself don't get blessed with as many or any children. You are amazing.

Nances said...

I'm so sorry. It's not fair and I'm sorry you have to go through this. Good luck with the surgery--I'll be thinking about you. Like everyone said you are so lucky to have gotten 2 beautiful children and they are so lucky to have you. And this doesn't have to be the end of your dream of a big family--you just might get it a different way then you thought. But know it's totally okay to be mad and sad about it--we're human we feel! Love you and good luck!

Valerie said...

Sending hugs your way, Ashley. We'll be thinking about you and praying for you during your upcoming surgery. We love you and hang in there.

Sara B said...

I am sorry that you have to go through all of this. You will be in our prayers.

The Holmgrens said...

Just thinking about you. Hope you are doing okay. Love ya.

vickersfam said...

I'm glad you are okay and counting your blessings, although it's still difficult. I hope you're doing okay physically now too. Well even better, actually. I'm glad your mom's in town to help you. Try and get some good rest to recover the best you can.
I love you!

Pam said...

Oh sweet Ashley! I just wanted to sit and cry after reading this post. It is so hard when life takes unexpected twists. Even though you do have two kids, it is still a hard trial to go through. And your right, you are so blessed! Your children are beautiful! And I know you have a great husband and family to lean on:) I will be thinking of you and hoping all is well with you. Love ya, Pam

Hootie & Chrissi said...

I just checked up on your blog & read your news. I am so sorry for what you are going through. Sorry that things haven't worked out for you the way you had originally hoped & planned. You are so blessed to have a beautiful son & daughter, and a great husband. They are blessed to have you, as well.
You can still have a large family. I'm sure you would be an amazing mother to any child out there, if that is what works for you & your family. There is always a bigger plan for us, sometimes it just seems we have to take a detour. It's okay to be mad, sad, & frustrated. You are strong and someday you will be okay. Hoping you'll be feeling better physically, soon, and emotionally when you are ready. You'll be in our prayers.
Love, Chrissi

Alisa said...

I'm so sorry i am late on this. We just back in town. I hope the surgery went well and i am glad they finally found out what was wrong. You reall are lucky to have 2 cute kids and they are lucky to have you too.

Alee and Brandon said...

Sorry, I'm late too, we just got back from Utah (and I waved in the direction of your house when we I am so sorry...but you are right. You guys have two beautiful kiddos :) I hope every thing went well with the surgery.

Lisa Summers & Fam said...

I haven't been on for awhile, and I am so shocked to hear your news. I feel for you, and I hope you are doing better. You do have an awesome mom, it is so neat that she would come and help with your kids!!! Get well.

camilla said...

I haven't had much time to blog, so I am catching up. My heart dropped when I read this post. I am sorry for your trial. Your kids are adorable. I wish you the best with the surgery. Love, Camilla