Monday, July 28, 2008

Natural History Museum

Dylan has been learning about dinosaurs in school this past week, so last Saturday we took them to the Natural History Museum. It really is a fascinating place. Dyl was a little scared of the dinosaurs, but they are gigantic and have really loud roars.
Onto other news, we got Dylan's test results last Friday from Dr. Frickie and the Lili Clair Foundation. They said that Dylan was a special little guy, and he had a dual diagnosis. Then they went on to name all of the things he is dealing with. He has High Functioning Autism, sensory integration disorder, Oppositional Defiance Disorder, Anxiety, ADHD, and Self Regulation Disorder, (which means he can't control his emotions and moods.) He may have OCD and Tourettes, but we aren't quite sure on those two things yet. Everything they told us makes perfect sense, and in a way, it is a relief to know everything that he is going through. So many teachers and other people have told us that Dylan "doesn't fit the mold", so it has been hard to figure out the best way to help him. Now that we know everything, we are learning better ways to help him. He is still going to school full time where he gets occupational therapy, and he has his regular occupational therapist Shannon. He also started going to a behavioral therapist. Hopefully these things will continue to help him and he will continue to feel better inside.


Hibbard Family said...

We have friends who have a son with oppositional defiance and they have put a lot of work and therapy into him, but he is 15 now and doing realy well. Its good to know that you have some answers, I'm sure it'll make things easier to deal with. He is a special guy and so cute in primary. And by the way - treat yourself to a full service spa and get a professional massage, you won't be sorry! Let me know if/when you do it - I'm always up for a spa day :)

Alee and Brandon said...

Ohhhh I second the massage!!! Good idea! The museum looks like tons of fun... And aren't moms the best?! I'm glad you could rest while she was there and I hope you're doing well!

california smiths said...

What a fun museum! Where is that at? I am glad you are finding more things out about Dylan. He has the sweetest smile in all your pictures. You can tell he is such a unique boy and you are the perfect mom for him!

Emilee said...

Ashley that is an amazing amount of info. for one family to receive all at once! Thankfully you & Jon are the incredible parents of this incredible little guy! He's lucky to have you. I'm glad you enjoyed your R&R time while your mom was around to be with your kiddos.

Callisters said...

Looks like lots of fun, probably a wonderful place to be in side with some cool air also! You guys are amazing parents to be so active in figuring out what is best with Dylan. I think of so many little kids that have problems that their parents don't want to deal with so they don't get the proper care they need. Dylan is honestly one lucky little boy!

Emily B said...

I'm glad you could get a thorough diagnosis for Dylan, especially after all of the waiting for him to be seen by that doctor. I'm sure knowing more about what Dylan has made the wait worth it in the end.

Sara B said...

We love the Natural History Museum! One of mara's favorite places. Glad you guys have some answers now and can move forward. You are incredible parents. Dylan is so blessed to be part of your family as well as you are blessed to have him part of yours.

The Reese's said...

we'll have to go there sometime with you. denver is starting a dinosaur phase. your mom was tell us a little about dylan's doctor appointment and everything that you go have to do with him now. sounds like you guys are going through a lot but it will all be worth it in the end. good luck!

Joell said...

fun dinosaur! You are a very good mother to be able to handle all of these trials Heavenly Fther is blessing you with! He must have a lot of faith in you! You are so strong and wonderful! Good luck with everything and if I can ever help from hundreds of miles away let me know!

The Birds said...

Wow! Dylan is really an amazing little guy for all that going on...and Heavenly Father loves you and Jon so much that He sent him to YOU!! I anybody can do it, you guys can! We'll keep you in our prayers and put his name in the temple- every little bit helps - at least for me it does! I got your number from your mom last weekend and I'll give you a call sometime, I'd really like to see how you're feeling, physically AND emotionally. You're an inspiration to me, so hang in there!! Love ya,