Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Best Hopscotch Mat Ever!


The Simpson Family said...


Karissa said...

That really is the "best ever"!!!! How fun!

I really need to have some kids so I have excuses to do things like this... In the meantime, I guess I'll just be the crazy lady who makes my husband have "little kid fun" with me! ;-)

Emily B said...

That mat is awesome! Where did you find it?

The Reese's said...

that looks like so much fun. i love anything that has to do with water but it's different enough that it's like a whole other activity. Can't wait to see you guys in a week. :)

Chandra said...

Look at how freakin adorable your kids are! I love it! Your backyard looks amazing! Wish we still lived there so we could come over and play!!!