Friday, July 25, 2008

The Maze

Jon made the kids the best maze. When Dylan asked me to make a maze for him, I had no idea where to even start. Therefore, we waited until Jon could be present. I don't know how he does it, but whatever Dylan imagines, Jon can make it happen. They were so cute, and had so much fun.


Callisters said...

At my house we call them forts and I am like you-I don't have a clue where to start. It must be a dad thing. I love that they can have fun, but it for sure makes for a mess with every blanket in the house!

Sara B said...

How fun! Gotta love dads and their fort and maze expertise.

The Reese's said...

looks like tons of fun! we have to build forts with blankets and chairs all the time to play in. but i never thought of a maze! :)

Hibbard Family said...

I would have no idea how to make a maze.... Jon is a great dad!

california smiths said...

What a great dad! Looks like so much fun. I saw you are going to the midnight release of Twilight. A bunch of girls from my ward are going too! Glad we aren't the only crazy people going!

Joell said...

It is so fun to see our little ones enjoying themselves so much! especially when we had a part in making them feel that way.