Monday, August 25, 2008

Back to School, and more....

Another start of another school year. You would think that after having Dylan in school for a year and a half, I would be used to this. But every time he has a big break, it breaks my heart to send him back to school. He went to a new school with a new teacher. She is so nice, and Dylan had a great first day. Hopefully the honeymoon period lasts for awhile. He gets to ride the bus again, which he is ecstatic about. I would love to drive him to and from, but he is adamant that he rides. It is actually a very cute little bus, and the driver is wonderful. Dyl sat by a friend for the first time. Livie missed him so much. She asked for him all day, and kept telling me that she wanted Dylan back. Luckily, we both survived.(After taking a dozen pictures, this is the best one I could get!)

This last weekend, Jon and I did a little shopping at the outlets, and let the kids ride the carousel. Dylan thought he was in a race, like Mary Poppins. Live was in awe and kept saying how beautiful it was. She would pet her horse and say it was sooooo cute. She also had her first public potty accident. Surprisingly enough, it was less embarrassing to notify a sales assistant, than it is to take a screaming child from the store. I always thought bodily functions would trump tantrums.


The Reese's said...

well i'm glad you guys survived. we start a couple hours a couple days a week next week and i thought i'd be more excited than sad but now that it's close i can't decide :) i love the pic on the horses, jon and dyl have the same look on their faces.

jfb said...

you have such darling kids, Ashley! good luck with the back to school stuff ... I think it's so hard getting back into the routine of things.

Hibbard Family said...

Its so tough when you've had him for a long time then have to send him off to school again.... good luck and i hope he continues to enjoy it~ I think you're having a good influence on Kaden because he loves to sing, he sings with Kam in church and I hear him singing to his monkey when he's going to bed! Thanks!!

california smiths said...

It cracks me up how much Live and Courtney are the same. Down to the same happy princess training pants :) Courtney had one accident in a Target since we started and I agree, a screaming child gets a lot more people staring, I am not sure anyone notices a wet child. The carousel pic is darling.

The Mashy Family said...

Um I am glad someone wants to go to school. I cried when I took myself back to school/work! Dylan looks very handsome in his first day of school pictures!