Monday, August 11, 2008

Dylan in Blue

This is our newest technique for calming Dylan's sensory problems. It is called a Body Sock. It is made of a Lycra material and clings to his body. He can see through it, and he loves it. He asks to wear it. I think the best thing about it is the entertainment value it provides for Jon and I. He looks so funny in it. Livie thinks he is an easy target, so she will sneak up on him and try to tickle or push him.


The Birds said...

Too good!!!

Wendy said...

We used these in an acting class I took in high school- they are so fun! We'd also use them in dance shows sometimes, and they can be pretty creepy. Where did you get it? I want one! I'm serious.

Joell said...

I love the body sock! Where can I get one if those for my kids! SUch great entertainment!