Wednesday, August 6, 2008


I bet most people haven't ever head of snut. Well, I hadn't either until a few days ago. It all started with a conversation in the car. Dylan, Livie and I were playing "Lets talk about..". We had just finished naming things that started with T, when the conversation turned to snut.
Dylan: Okay mommy, lets talk about things that are snut.

Me: Ummmm, what was that Dyl?

Dylan: Lets talk about things that are snut.

Me: (Stalling) Why don't you go first.

Dylan: Smarties are snut.

Me: Um, the dirt is snut?


I was a little confused, but then he didn't talk about it again. Until today. I was coloring in some pictures with colored pencils and Dylan asked if he could have one. When I asked him what color, he asked for the snut one. When I let him pick, he chose the peach colored one. The mystery is solved. But apparently, only this pencil and smarties are snut. Other things that seem to match this color, do not quite reach his expectations.


The Simpson Family said...

I love it. He's really got a creative, mind of his own!

Jane said...

This totally cracked me up. You've gotta love the stuff kids come up with!

vickersfam said...

That is so funny. He's got such an active brain!