Thursday, February 21, 2008

Kid Tag

8 Things you may not know about Dylan

1. For those of you that don't know, I have a form of high functioning autism. It was pretty hard on my parents when they first found out, but now they can see how special I am. I see and feel the world a little different then most kids, but I am so smart, and have an exceptional memory.

2. I am a comedian. I say the funniest things and crack my mom and dad up all of the time. I love to qoute movies I have seen, and I have perfect comedic timing. I like to tease my sister, and sometimes mom and dad, but I know they secretly like it.

3. I am OBSESSED with WHEELS! I love anything that has wheels and spins, but cars are my speciality. I have hundreds of cars in my room, but I know all of them and could play with them all day long. I love trains, and other spinning things too, such as ceiling fans, windmills, and clocks. I can name different cars by looking at them, like ferrari's, hummers, mustangs, etc.

4. I love looking at different lights. Christmas time was so much fun for me because of all of the different lights everywhere. One of my favorite things to do is to go to the light store. Mommy and daddy have to find new ones to go to, so people don't recognize us.

5. I love sweet things. Cookies and cakes are my idea of heaven. I am constantly negotiating ways to get a cookie or fruit snacks. Mom thinks my passion is a great way to convince me to eat normal things. I love when we have birthday parties, or friends over because mommy always makes a dessert.

6. I can be a little mischevious. My teacher says that I can lead the pack in riot rousing. I like to stir up trouble sometimes, but I always know what to do or what to say to talk my way out of it. Nobody can stay mad for long because I am so cute.

7. I love water. I love playing in the bath, sprinklers or anything that can get me wet. I could spend all night in the bathtub. I love to go swimming, and I had so much fun at my grandma's and grandpa's using the slip and slide. I hate getting my hair washed, but mom and dad are getting pretty quick about getting it out.

8. I can be the kindest and sweetest boy. Sometimes all my inside frustrations go away, and I can show the real angel I am. I can be so sweet and helpful to my sister. I have started telling mommy and daddy I love them and it makes them so happy. I bring so much joy to my whole family.

1 comment:

Sara B said...

that was nice to get to know your kids better!