Sunday, May 18, 2008

Dyl strikes again

Today was another funny Sunday. Dylan had on his A game, and had us laughing all through church. Here are some of his classics:
  • When the men in our ward were singing a song during sacrament, Dyl said, "Look at those kids, they need their moms. I should go up there."

  • When Jon came down from singing, both of the kids were so proud and Dyl said "Daddy you singer good!"

  • "Mommy, you have big eyes, sparkle teeth, and shiny new toes."

  • "I need to lay down on my body."

  • When Dyl was turned around to a brother and his parents in our ward, I asked him to please face forward. He said "No mom, I'm talking to my family." I told him that we were his family, and he replied "No they are my family, see, those kids are my sons."

  • When I took him to the bathroom before Sunbeams, he looked at the stall next to ours where another kid was peeing, he said "What the heck is that kid doing in there?"

  • In Sunbeams, their lesson was on being thankful for their hands. When I picked him up, his teachers had him show me some of the sign language they learned. When they made the sign for mommy, he got that one, but when they made the sign for daddy (which is putting your thumb on your forehead, with the other fingers spread), they asked what that was, and he replied "That's my head."

He also has gotten into watching golf on television. I personally think gold of TV is boring, but watching it with Dyl makes it so exciting. He gives the TV high fives, and keeps encouraging the players when their ball doesn't make it in the hole. Livie is absent from this post, because she has been a crabby girl today, and hasn't said anything worth repeating. I love you Livie.


Emily B said...

I'm glad to hear this Sunday was better than last.

Wendy said...

Ah, but Livie was giving me ample entertainment when Jon had her out in the foyer during the sacrament. She was trying desperately to get off his lap, putting her head almost on the floor (I'm guessing trying to flip out of his grasp), completely unwilling to concede that he is in fact stronger than her. I was laughing, but trying not to let her see me laughing.

Emilee said...

It's a good thing that he was willing to take care of ALL of those men- what a HUGE task that would be... but he could do it.

The Reese's said...

I love your sunday comments. Oh, and what are you guys coming back for already? I haven't talked to your family in awhile and hadn't heard.

Alee and Brandon said...

Okay, Dylan says the cutest things!

Nances said...

I love reading the things he says. He's such a cutie!

Jane said...

I love all your kid comments. They are so cute.

Pam said...

Your kids crack me up! I know that if I need a good laugh, and will be sure to find it on your blog! Your kids are very cute Ashley:)

The Holmgrens said...

I feel bad that I never got to see you while you were in town. We ended up going to Moab the same time you were here. Your mom came to my Grandpa's viewing. She looks so good. I swear she doesn't get older. She is so nice. Dylan is so funny. My kids don't say very many funny things.

janet said...

I have so much catching up to do on your blog! Love these little comments.. they are so priceless. I need to lay down on my body just cracks me up!

california smiths said...

I am always entertained when I read your posts, what an eventful family you have! Hope you had fun in Utah!

HeidiLynnn said...


Your blog is amazing! I've gotta have some lessons from you. I would love to create something like this for our family. Your kids are so adorable and I'm glad that they had fun with their cousins on Saturday. We miss you guys.