Thursday, May 29, 2008

Dylan and Livie


When I went into his room this morning, he was playing with his black Herbie bug, hummer, and his ceramic temple and Jesus. When I walked in, the conversation went something like this.

Dyl: Oh no mommy, Jesus needs to get to the temple and the Herbie won't give him a ride.

Me: Well that's not good, what do you think He should do?

Dyl: Wait Herbie wait! Oh well, I guess Jesus will just have to take his Hummer.

Me: I think that is a great idea buddy.

Later When he was getting dressed he came over and gave me a big hug and said, you are my best friend mommy. Oh my word, I almost started to cry.

As a mom, You tend to think that you will be the one that always comforts your children when they are distressed. I never thought my two year old would be able to comfort me. She proved me wrong. I have had to have some medical tests the last few days and she has been amazing. I had to get an ultrasound on my uterus, (don't get excited, I am FAR from being pregnant,) and she sat on the bed by my head and stroked my hair, patted my head, and kept leaning down to give me kisses on the forehead. I don't know why I am so lucky to be that sweet little girl's mommy.


The Reese's said...

dylan is so creative. and livie is going to be quite the mommy one day (when she stops being afraid of babies). hope your tests turn out okay and they can get you fixed up. :)

Chandra said...

Hey! Am I still invited to read your blog?

Callisters said...

Honestly your kids are so sweet! Dylan has the best imagination! Don't you love how sweet kids are and it is true little girls just must feel at a young age that little mommy feature in them! I hope you getting feeling better soon.

Hibbard Family said...

Kids have a sense when their moms and dads are in need of extra love. That is really sweet!

Joell said...

Those are amazing stories! I almost started to cry myself. Our kids can be such rocks!

Valerie said...

Those are the sweetest stories, Ashley. Makes you just want to squeeze them, doesn't it? I hope all goes well with your tests.

Sara B said...

Your kids are so sweet. Hope things go well with your tests and things will be okay. Let me know if you need anything!

Alee and Brandon said...

That is so sweet...what a sensitive little girl to notice:)

Chandra said...

That was weird, at first it wouldnt let me see your blog. But now I can! Dylan is soooo funny! That is the cutest story I've ever read! I love hearing about the things your kids say!!!

california smiths said...

So cute, I love to hear stories like that. Your family is so fun to listen to!

The Vegas Veenendaal's said...

Hey Ash,
Your kids say the cutest things.... Dylan has quite the imagination. It must be something with the name- cause my Dillon is the same way. :) I hope you are okay-and that your tests turn out good. I feel like a horrible friend cause I don't even know what is going on with you. Let me know if you need anything. I heard there is a game night tomorrow? Maybe I will try and come...there's so much to catch up on. Love ya!

Zach and Kate Hulet said...

Ash! I hope everything is ok. And I am so thankful for our family units! I love it when our kids comfort us. They are so good natured. It is hard to remember that sometimes when I have to put them back in bed for the 50th time (literally). They make up for it in so many other ways. MIss ya, Kate

vickersfam said...

your kids are funny and sweet. I hope everything's going well for you!