Wednesday, June 25, 2008


A - Attached or Single? - attached
B - Best Friend - my husband Jon
C - Cake or Pie? - cake, especially chocolate
D - Day of choice? - Christmas Eve
E - Essential item? - book
F - Favorite color? - cerulean or lilac
G - Gummy bears or worms? - gummy worms
H - Hometown? - Tremonton, UT
I - Favorite Indulgence? - coke and a book
J - January or July? - July -January (I may be saying this because I hate the heat right now.)
K - Kids? -Dylan 4, Olivia 2
L - Life isn't complete without? - My family
M - Marriage Date? - November 17, 2000
N - Number of Bros & Sis? - 2 brothers (Coby and Cody, they are twins), 1 sister (Stacie)
O - Oranges or Apples? - Oranges
P - Phobias and Fears? - Snakes, and public speaking
Q - Quote? -"Being Normal is vastly overrated."
R - Reason to smile? - Jon will be home in 20 minutes.
S - Season of choice? - Fall
T - Tag Ten People? - Anyone who hasn't done it, and wants to.
U - Unknown fact about me? - When I drive on the freeway, I am convinced that a semi is going to run me off the road.
V - Vegetable? - Squash
W - Worst habit? - Returning phone calls.
X - X-Ray? - Ankle
Y - Your favorite food? - Cheese, Italian
Z - Zodiac sign? - Cancer


The Simpson Family said...

I really like this tag, lots of cool facts that I never knew, well a few, alright one that I didn't already know! ;)

The Reese's said...

this is a better tag. i might have to do it myself, you learn alot about a person.

Emily B said...

Cerulean? I had to google that. It's beautiful.

california smiths said...

how fun! i would never have guessed you didn't like public speaking! go stu co cheer rep!

Alee and Brandon said...

How fun! My mom is the EXACT same way about driving on the freeway...She even grips the side of the car like she's going to have a panic attack EVERY time a truck is passed.

autumn said...

I too am a cancer and hate, hate, hate semi trucks.