Sunday, June 8, 2008

Last Week

This week has been pretty crazy. My parents stopped by for a surprise visit on Wednesday. They were taking a little vacation and zoomed down. The kids were so excited to see them. My sister Stacie and her family stopped by on their way back from Disneyland. We had a BBQ with them on Friday night, and then hung out for awhile on Saturday. It is always so fun to see family.

When they left on Saturday we took Dyl and Livie to see the flamingos at the Flamingo. Livie was so excited. She loves flamingos. Mostly because they are pink. The picture we took of me and the kids will not be posted. Not only did I look crappy in it, but the kids weren't looking at the camera, so I think it is fair. We then decided to take the kids to see the lions at MGM. That didn't go so well. It was nap and lunch time and the kids were cranky. Not to mention we got lost. (Curse you casinos for being built like labyrinths.) Jon and I went on our date that night. It was so much fun. We had dinner at Olive Garden and saw Prince Caspian, Chronicles of Narnia. It was such a great movie. Today was another crazy day. Livie was sick with a bad cold, she picked it up from her cousin Maverick. (Thanks again for visiting Stace.) (Just Kidding.) So Jon and I had to do a shuffle for the church schedule. But luckily, everything is calmed down and we can start another crazy week.
Funny Sayings:

Dyl: Look at all of those sacraments mom.
Me: Are you talking about the bread Dyl?
Dyl: No, all those kids in white shirts. That is a lot of sacraments. They wear white shirts, not stripey ones.
Me: Good observation kid.

Dyl: Mom, everything is broken, like broken parts of some machiney thing.

Livie: Get out of my bed mom.
(Said while I was tucking her in.)


Jeremy and Taren said...

I love all the quotes you write from the kids. I always tell Jeremy I need to write down what Kenna says. They always say the funniest things. The kids look so cute. Glad you had fun with the family!

california smiths said...

I love all the things to go see in Vegas, Courtney loved the shark reef at Mandalay Bay and always asks to go there when we get into Vegas. I also like your new Vegas pic on your sidebar. Very nice addition!

The Reese's said...

sorry livie got sick! now i'm glad we voted against denver to go see them on sunday despite mav being sick. looks like you've seen the familiy more than we have in the last couple weeks! i need to talk coby into one of those date nights! that sounds great.

Lisa Summers & Fam said...

I think it sounds like a fun week. I bet the visits were well worth it. Your kids are so precious. I just love reading what they say to you, it always cheers me up.

Valerie said...

I didn't know they had flamingos at the Flamingo. Very cool. And I agree, curse those casinos...I got lost one time in the MGM and it was such a pain to try and find my way out of there. Looks like you all have been having lots of fun, though.

Hibbard Family said...

I've lived here my whole life and just learned that threre are flamingos at the Flamingo! Great family fun idea, thanks! I love Dylan's comments, he's so honest!

Heidi said...

I can't believe I just wrote an epistle and it didn't show up...alas. I will see you guys next Saturday. I think we want to go cosmic bowling in Vegas and Quincy wants to go to Wednesday night ball with Jonathan.