Monday, June 2, 2008

Ups and Downs

Dylan has made a huge leap in his fine and gross motor skills. Because of his autism, these skills come slower for him. But he has been working really hard and it is paying off! He drew his first picture of our family. I'm the only one who has a body, but he thinks the most important part is the feet "so they can run." He is even starting to hold his pencil correctly. Although his teacher tells me he still writes with both hands. I am so proud of my smart guy.

On another note, he did something not so smart today. I got a call from his school telling me to come get him, because he stuck something up his nose, and they couldn't get it out. The school nurse was trying, but if she couldn't get it, I was going to have to take him to the emergency room. Luckily, we got it out, and it was a bead. When I asked him why he put it up there, he told me it's because he's silly.

Some more funny Dylanisms-

-I don't like my life mom, it is the pirate's life for me.

Me: Dyl, what did you do to Livie's doll house?
Dyl: I'm just screwing it up mom.

While we were in the doctor's office today, Livie was enthralled with a magazine featuring great white sharks. She was so excited and kept saying how cute they were. Everyone was laughing because she kept petting it and saying she loved it.


Emilee said...

Those pictures are GREAT! Way to go Dylan!! Isn't your nose where you're supposed to store things like beads?

california smiths said...

Courtney pets things like magazines too. I love to see how much she and Livvie are alike! Those pics that Dylan drew are cute, he did a great job!

The Reese's said...

what cute pictures! that's always been my fear, when something gets shoved somewhere that you can't get it out. glad you didn't have to go to the doctor.

Chandra said...

Oh man Ash! Your kids say the funniest things!!!!