Monday, June 30, 2008

Do you remember when?

This seemed like a really fun thing to do... I got it off of my friend Stephanie's blog. Here's how you do it-

1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you.If you don't want to play on your blog, or if you don't have a blog, I'll leave my memory of you in my comments.


The Vegas Veenendaal's said...

I remember last summer when I was having a hard time and feeling overwhelmed, you took all of my laundry and did it for me. Wow! Only a true friend would do something like that... especially with the amount I had! :) You're the best!

Alee and Brandon said...

Oh Ashley...this is a FUN idea...I will have to wait a little while to do mine though, because I've already posted twice this week, and people will think I'm addicted (which is the truth)...

Okay...I have a MILLION fun memories of Ashley, how could I not?! Ashley and I used to work together at Liberty Square...and Ashley was the FIRST person to tell me about the 9/11 terrorist attack! Crazy, huh! I also have tons of fun memories of us playing games together during

Chandra said...

I have soooo many fun memories with you! We were visiting teaching comps and we were soooo good to do our visits! I loved hanging out with you. You are so sweet! I miss you, you were the best vt comp I've ever had!

The Holmgrens said...

I tried posting a comment earlier and it didn't work. You remember Derk? Well, he like us at the same time, or you, I don't know. I was jealous. One night Jennie Firth Brasfield was sleeping over at my house and telling me this story late at night. While she was talking I fell asleep. I had this dream that you were walking by me at the beach and you looked awesome. I said out loud, "She is so skinny!" Jennie was like, "What are you talking about?" because she was telling me some story. So I had to tell her how jealous I was of you. I still think your awesome! I'm glad that didn't make us not friends!

The Reese's said...

i bet this brings back a lot of memories. i can think of a ton since we've known each other for quite a while. but i always think of the time i went with you and a few cheerleaders in suzy's suburban up to the haunted sherwood hills and they we made smores at my house.

Anonymous said...

Hey this is a great idea! Ashlee We have gone to school for how long together.. I have great memories of you. You were always friendly and kind to me! I am so glad we are still friends! Take caRE!

Nances said...

Oh my gosh, we have so many memories together. Honestly you made me childhood so fun and imaginative. Whenever we were together we were either deer wandering through the forests, long lost twin princess sisters, mermaids (one of our favs), olympic gymnasts, dalking din dour decret danguage, or playing barbies (did we play until 7th grade?) I loved all our sleepovers and sneaking your dads fudge, and drinking your "cherry" water. Thanks for being such a great friend!
Love ya!

janet said...

All I can say is: In laws.. key... and thinking you and your husband were the DOGS!

sorry to bring it up on your blog, but you asked for it.

great idea! I will have to copy you sometime.

Thurston Fam said...

Oh I dare say? We have quite a few that come to mind, but one in perticular is the hot tub, and rubber ducky insident! We were all such nerd balls! Also, fun times playing with my pretty ponies! You must have been the most fun person to play with..great imagination! Hope you're doing well, still want to get together! Are you surviving this heat?? Me just barely!

Emily B said...

I got my first pedicure with you, and you told me how you dated NATHAN OSMOND! I still love him, and think he is the cutest of the Osmond boys.

Alisa said...

I remember us in Biology at UVSC. We always made fun of our teacher. I can't remember his name but he always spit when he talked and sometimes it would land on us. Oh and i think he had tupae(sp). I'm pretty sure he knew we were making fun of him. We had so much fun.

I still think it's weird that after 5 years we saw each other in Vegas.

The Mashy Family said...

Hey I remember sleeping over at your house one night and we went hot tubbing. I think Terra, Jamie, and Suzanne were there. We decided to sneak out at like twelve o'clock to see if we could see any of the boys at the party next door. I don't really remeber what happened but I do remember that the next morning your mom made us chocolate muffins and they were so good. I don't eat a chocolate muffin from kents without thinking of you!

Joell said...

How fun I love memories! I think it was the day that you blessed Livie and it was in our parents. I had just had Ellie and I was so excited to see you! My mom and I went on a walk that night and were walking past your parents house and I wanted to go and visit! It was what seemed like early to me like 7:30 so I was sure I would get to see your kids too but they were fast asleep. What a good mom! Then while we were talking I noticed my stroller was getting wet by the sprinklers but I didn't bother to move it! By the time I got back to the stroller it was filled with buckets of water! So funny! It was nice to see you and talk to you again though! I seriously want to come down there and visit sometime and when you come up to your moms next give me a call! You me and Tangi could go to a movie or something!

Kelsey said...

College rommate- Britney Spears music, Limp bizkit, leaving signs around the apartment asking if people will EVER take out the trash and clean up, Travis, singing constantly to that song "Whats my name again?"- I LOVE YOU!

Hibbard Family said...

You made me laugh so hard, as hard as I have in a long long time, telling some of your so embaressing stories at our game night/spill all! All I'll say about it is "wedding night paraphinelia"! Also I always love to see you because every single time I see you you are always so cheerful and always say hi to me, thanks for being such a lovely person!

california smiths said...

I remember when were in high school and we were driving all over Tremonton blasting the Dirty Dancing soundtrack on the stereo. It is not clear what exactly we were doing, but I remember that very clearly.

Haguewood Family said...

I remember when I went to St. George with you and your family. We went to the Tuachan theater. At the Theater we went to the bathroom and some lady had TP strung from her pants all the way across the restroom and out the door. We didn't know if we should say anything so we just laughed :)