Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Random Cuteness

I think my Dylan is the funniest kid alive. He does the cutest and quirkiest things. One of his "jobs" is to line up his cars. He is so precise in the way he does it. He usually does it in his walk-in closet and shuts himself in. Lately he has been asking me to take pictures of his masterpieces. There is a method to his madness. Sometimes he asks me to help him, but I never do it quite right. He only likes certain cars in the lines at certain times.

Another random thought, I love thank you cards. I love giving them, and I LOVE receiving them. But it seems like whenever I get a thank you card, I feel like I should send the person a thank you card for giving me one. So here it is, my thank you,

to all of you that have sent me a sweet card.


Emily B said...

I read on Valerie's blog a while ago that she loves to get notes in the mail from people. You guys should just send each other thank you cards all the time.

The Mashy Family said...

Ashley those pictures scared me because our two boys must have the same little thinking patterns. Gehrig lines his cars up fourteen times a day like that. I find little lines of cars all over the house. I think they are cute until I step on one then I go on a rampage and make him clean them all up.The cleaned up cars last about 2 minutes. How long does it last at yours?

Callisters said...

Very cute! You have to love little boys who love all those little cars!

Lisa Summers & Fam said...

I love these pictures. My nephew has autism too and does the same thing. I love that they become so organized, I always tell my nephew to come help me with my house and he just laughs!

Wendy said...

Once, I sent a friend a note in the mail telling her I appreciated her, and then she sent me one thanking her for the note and saying she appreciated me, so then I sent her one, then she sent me another one... it got so bad we were passing each other notes in Sunday school because the mail just wouldn't cut it. I think at one point we had to just be like, "Okay. We get it. I love you, you love me. Stop the madness."

Alee and Brandon said...

You have a lot of little cars!! What a lucky little guy...too bad we aren't closer...Zach would love that!