Tuesday, April 1, 2008


I have never been the type of person that likes to sleep alone. While growing up I hated not sharing a room with my sister. I was always worried that I would be the last one to go to sleep in the house. In college it got a little better, because I had roommates that were up later. I thought the ultimate would be when I got married. Then I would never have to sleep alone again.

Well, even though I have hardly ever slept a night away from Jon, the sleeping partner is not all that I imagined it would be. Why, you ask? First of all, he goes to sleep before my head even hits the pillow! For some reason, my favorite time to chat is when we hop in bed. Jon doesn't understand how I can be quiet all night, then when it's time to sleep, my mouth starts going.

Secondly, Jon is a CRAZY sleeper. (Don't worry, I got his permission to share this before I wrote this.) He does the weirdest things at night. He woke me up one night and said, "Ashley, do you see her, she is right there at the bed." When I asked him who "she" was, he told me it was Old Man Winter's wife. Another night he slapped me in the face, and was relieved when I yelled Jon, because he knew I was still breathing.

These things don't even begin to cover his array of nighttime antics. He once thought he was in the marines and was hiding on the side of our bed which had mysteriously turned into a black hawk helicopter. When we lived in our town home, we had a picture of the Salt Lake temple right by our bed. Almost every single morning I would wake up, and the picture would be lying on my chest. And it wasn't like it fell off the wall, the picture was on Jon's side of the bed.

I do love having a sleeping partner though. As crazy as his night time behavior is, he is the best thing that ever happened to me.


Hibbard Family said...

I'm so happy to learn you love a sleep partner. When I was growing up I would beg my older brother and sister if I could sleep with them and most of the time they said "no" so I would end up on the floor next to their bed. I agree its one of the upsides of being married!

Valerie said...

Oh,Ash, I laughed out loud with this post. You'll have to ask Rob about me being the crazy sleeper. Oh, the stories he could tell about me...every month I seem to scare him half to death by swearing there's somebody in our room and then I go lie back down in bed. There's other ones, but I'll let him tell you about those :)

janet said...

Oh how FUNNY! I love these kinds of stories. What was he doing with the temple picture? And I would be so ticked if Aaron slapped me in the middle of the night.

I am not a late night talker.. but my husband is and he is always mad when I am asleep before he finishes brushing his teeth... but I can talk his ear off at 6 am.

Such a fun post! Next girls night we should share these kinds of stories because they are hilarious! Old Man Winter's Wife?? Are you serious! Ha.

Callisters said...

Very funny! But isn't it true, it isn't quite like we picture. In the perfect world I imagined laying in bed reading and talking and then when it came to go to sleep we would lay there cuddling all night long! Hey we are lucky if we sleep in the same bed!!! Very cute story Ashley

Sara B said...

Loved the story! I think Nate and I take turns with the weird nighttime behavior. It is so nice to have someone to share a bed with though-for sure! I have struggled with insomnia for years adn when we got married I finally started sleeper better just having someone next to me.

The Reese's said...

i understand all to well where you are coming from. after all you've lived with your brother but it makes me laugh to read how crazy other people are in their sleep too. i've always shared a room and i can't imagine trying to sleep by myself. i yell at coby if he tries to fall asleep before me.

california smiths said...

Have to admit I would always be freaked out. I get nervous when people start 'seeing' things. I guess I have seen 6th sense a little to much :) Sounds like you handle it with a sense of humor!

Wendy said...

Wow, I'm showing this to my husband so he stops complaining about MY sleeptalking and weird sleep behavior. Your husband is the champion in this department. I'm sure it's not so funny when he's slapping you in the middle of the night, but it makes for hilarious stories, eh?

Jane said...

This totally cracked me up-- so funny! I'm afraid I'm the crazy sleeper in my family. I've done all sorts of things that Rick tells me the next day, and I don't remember. But he snores, so I can totally relate to not having a sleeping partner being all you hoped it would be. Cute post, Thanks!

Emily B said...

Okay, that's some crazy stuff that Jon does in his sleep. I was laughing outloud about the "Old Man Winter's wife" story. Kevin talks in his sleep sometimes, but it is never as entertaining as those stories you just shared.