Thursday, March 6, 2008

Ha, Ha, uhhh

Yesterday was a bad day. That is one of the only ways to describe it. Dylan has been doing so incredible at school, and then yesterday, it all went downhill. I have been expecting a meltdown, but it is still hard when it happens. So, I have been trying to see the humor in the situations. For example, Dylan threw some chairs at the kids in his class. The way I see it, he is just getting prepared to be in the WWE. Another thing, I know I shouldn't let Dylan eat crackers in bed, because it gets crumbs everywhere. But there is something so insanely cute about the way he eats them at night. He holds the little square cracker in both hands, and nibbles. He doesn't look at me, and his eyes dart back and forth. He looks like a little squirell. When we got to school yesterday morning, Dylan saw this old white car that he fell in love with. (Dyl has this ability to make anyone feel good about their car, even if it belongs in the dump.) When we started to walk to the door, the car drove away. Dyl awas heartbroken. He told me to get in my car and catch it. When I told him it was time for school, he fell to the ground and cried. It took me ten minutes to convince him that school was cool. I still haven't seen the humor in this situation yet. Anywho, I think I need to try harder to see the humor in situations, that way, my kids may live to see another day.


The Mashy Family said...

Ashley Oh my heck this is so exciting to see your family. I am so glad you linked up to my website. I love this blogging thing. (minus the fact I am having a very hard time catching on to it) Your kids are so cute! Don't worry melt downs are okay your a great mom! Hang in there. I hope we keep checking each others blogs so we can stay in touch!

The Vegas Veenendaal's said...

You are right, I think I need to work more on seeing the humor also. I think it is the only way we can get through some of the things these kids do. aka- Ashlynn, terrible six's! :) Hope we can get together sometime soon.