Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Jon vs. Trixie

Every single night, there is a fight in Jon and I's bedroom. It starts at about 10:15 or so. Jon and I hop into bed and begin our nightly chat. (Or to put it more accurately, I chat and Jon tries to answer while dozing off.) As soon as Jon is snoozing the fight begins. Trixie comes to the bed and buffs for me to lift her up. Once she gets up there she slowly tiptoes her way up the bed, if Jon stirs, she pauses and waits for his heavy breathing. When she thinks she is safe, she begins her ascent to the top of the bed. She makes it to Jon's pillow, turns around three times and then plops down right on his head. She then starts licking her chops victoriously. Jon wakes up, gets mad at Trixie and throws her to the end of the bed. Trixie is dilligent though, and doesn't give up easily. As soon as Jon is breathing heavily, the whole process starts over again. I lay on my side of the bed and just laugh. Although Trixie gets the last laugh. Jon gets up around six in the morning, and both Trixie and Zoey run to his pillow. I guess we will see who wins the fight tonight!
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camilla said...

That is so funny!! I am always talking to Dave at night and he falls asleep way before me. I hate it, because I take so much longer to fall asleep. Your family is so cute, I am glad we are back in touch.

The Reese's said...

this why i don't have indoor dogs. keep fughtung jon! :)

Emily B said...

We used to have a cat that would try to sleep on our heads, and Kevin started locking her out of our room. I wonder if animals stay warm that way.

janet said...

seriously, I am frustrated just thinking about that. this is why we don't have a dog.. good luck Jon!

Alee and Brandon said...

I remember your cute little doggies! That's so funny!

Nances said...

That's funny! You're lucky that they don't want your pillow just Jon's. Happy Birthday Dylan--it looks like you have a fun bday weekend!

Anonymous said...

Hey Ash,

I just thought I would say hello. I saw your blog through Krista's and it is good to see that you are doing well. Your kiddies are adorable and I am glad that you are enjoying Vegas. Hope all is well!

Callisters said...

Very funny! That is why I only let our dog sleep in his kennel! But heck most often Carson is sleeping with Alec and Olivia and Marcus are sleeping with me! I know we are very disfunctional when it comes to sleeping, but hey we sleep!

Sara B said...

Yet another reason we will never have a pet! Poor Jon!

Kelsey said...

Dont dogs leave cooties on your pillow? Hey, how do you know Dennis Carter? I just saw his link on your blog. I went to high school with him. Is he in your ward? Small world!