Tuesday, March 18, 2008

My Dylan

When we first found out that Dylan was autistic, we were both devestated. We went through a lot of denial and sadness, but of course, things got better. Lately, things have been going so well with him. He has been in school for about a year, and it has worked wonders for him. Anyone who knew him a year ago is amazed at the difference. His Occupational Therapist, Shannon, has also been an angel sent from heaven. I have recently come to a very important realization. I am so proud to have an autistic son. He is such an incredible little guy. He is amazingly smart. Even though he qoutes lines from movies quite often, he qoutes them with perfect comedic timing. Every time he does something unusual, such as make it through the grocery store without a complete and utter meltdown, Jon and I are estatic. We are so proud every time he tries to engage another child, when he doesn't yell at Livie, and when he tries a miniscule amount of new food. I know that I am so lucky to be Dylan's mommy. He has made me such a better person. I have way more patience then I did before, and I think I am more understanding of the trials that people go through. All in all, I am so proud to have my Dylan as a son. He has taught me so many things, and I couldn't have asked for anything better.


Valerie said...

We all love little Dylan too. Wish we lived closer so my boys could play with him :)

The Reese's said...

i can't believe the difference in dylan either! i wish you lived closer because i think him and denver could have a lot of fun together. but it makes visits even more special.

Anonymous said...

We all love Dylan to pieces! My kids still haven't stopped talking about him yet! We love you Dylan!

The Mashy Family said...

Of all my kids I teach I find kids with autism to be my favorite. As a teacher I appreciate parents like you who accept their children for who they are. Challenge themselves to be better for their child. And most of all love them and all their little imperfections. Thanks for being such a great mom and example to others.

Pam said...

Ashley! You are the most sweetest mommy in the whole world. Dylan is so lucky to have you!

california smiths said...

It is so great for Dylan to have a mom like you that is patient and appreciates everything about him.

Emilee said...

That is the sweetest post! You are lucky to be his mom & that's such a great perspective you have.

Jane said...

You are such a sweet Mom and a sweet person Ashley. You have a great attitude and perspective on things. Thanks for such a great post!

Sara B said...

That was such a tender post- thanks for sharing your love for Dylan with all of us.

Laura said...

Very sweet and inspirational.

ps I love your blog!

pps Dylan is adorable...

Haguewood Family said...

Hey Ashley,
I came across your blog somehow! I haven't seen you for probably 10 years. Crazy. Your family is so cute. I hope all is going well for you!

Lisa Summers & Fam said...

I think you are very blessed to have Dylan. Children who have a little special need are always the best to be around. I can tell you have grown so much and I am really glad you share your experiences with all of us. You are such an inspiration.

camille said...

Hi Ashley!
SO good to hear from you. Your family is so adorable. I love finally getting to see your cute kids. I loved your post. It brought tears to my eyes. Dylan looks like a complete stud! I hope I get a chance to see you guys someday soon. I keep checking your blog now to stay updated! xo, Cami

autumn said...

Ashley, It's good to find you in blog land! Your family is darling and I loved your post. I'll be watching for updates. - Autumn

Wendy said...

That is so sweet. He's lucky to have a mom who loves him so much.