Monday, March 3, 2008

First Scripture

Dylan gave the scripture in Primary yesterday for the first time. I was so proud of him. He started to say a prayer when he got up to the microphone, but then repeated after me, when I read him the scripture. I could not believe how well he did. When I look back, I know that even six months ago, he would have had a meltdown. I am just so proud of how much he is accomplishing, and how far he has come. Let's have a big hand for early intervention! Yea!


Alison Carter said...

Yea Dylan! Little things like that are proud moments for parents! I wasn't there in primary yesterday to see it, but sounds like he did great!!

The Simpson Family said...

Thats' so exciting!
Great job Dyl!

PS- love the new backgroud

california smiths said...

That is so neat! I had a sunbeam give a talk yesterday and he just buried his head in his mom's shoulder. I think it is neat that Dylan would actually do it. What confidence!!

Alee and Brandon said...

Good job! I'm scared for the day they ask Zach, he's super shy and I doubt he'll get up there. What an accomplishment!

Valerie said...

Yippee for Dylan!! That's just awesome!

The Reese's said...

good job dylan! i would be proud too. (and crying)

Sara B said...

Dylan did a great job and it was fun to see him get up there and do it with such confidence!

Callisters said...

Isn't days like that such a proud mom moment?! That is great, Marcus finally agreed to doing it about 3 months ago and he is 5!