Friday, March 7, 2008

The Torture Chamber

I tortured my children today. The torture chamber in our house is a striped pale pink and mint green room. I hold my children down, and I do the unthinkable. I CUT THEIR TOENAILS AND FINGERNAILS!!!! When I cut Dyl's fingernails and toenails, his hands and feet are no longer able to function. I know that Dylan's problem is a sensory issue, but it is kind of funny to watch. He holds his hands out and splays his fingers. Then he has a hard time walking. He has to use the palms of his hands for about an hour. Livie thinks that she needs to take after her brother in everything that she does. Therefore, she sobs and cries and says no tingernails, no tinernails. Luckily, after I'm done with her she is fine. Oh will the torture ever end!


jfb said...

Hi Ashley, I'm not sure how I ended up finding you ... but I did and I'm so glad to see your cute family. I'm sure it's been since high school since we saw each other. It looks like you're doing well. You're kids are so cute. I thought they were twins at first they look so similar. Take care!
jennie firth brasfield

Scott said...

Hello. I haven't been on the internet for a while so it was fun to catch up on all your posts. Your kids are so cute and fun to read about. Lukas HATES getting his finger and toe nails clipped also. Its such a battle and by their screams you think it really is worse than it is.
About the vaccinations...don't let it worry you--really there is nothing you would've done different. All the specialist say that there is no link to vaccinations and autism and that you are much better off vaccinating your child against horrible diseases than living in fear that it will cause autism. I've worked with a few children with autism and one of the parents wondered if it was from vaccinations, but when you do some more case history you can find early signs and symptoms.'re such a great mommy and Dylan and Livie are lucky to have you!
Love ya!

Nances said...

Hey--the comment of Scott was from me...I forgot to switch our google accounts before I posted.

Valerie said...

I don't know what it is about kids and getting their fingernails and toenails clipped. Owen is the same way and hollars with such drama, it kills me. And I always tell him, "the quicker you let me do this, the quicker it's done." But I don't think it really resonates with him because he still yells.

Callisters said...

Oh I agree, it is not a fun moment at our house either. You almost have to sit on them to get it done (don't worry I don't sit on Olivia to get it done!)