Saturday, March 15, 2008

My sister & Grandma

We had the best time this week. My sister, and her three kids, Gunner, Savannah, and Maverick, and my grandma came to stay for a few days. It was so good to see them. My sisters kids, and Dyl and Livie got along great. It was amazing. There wasn't one fight, disagreement, or tension. They all had so much fun together. On Thursday we went to Build a Bear, to, well, build a bear. The kids loved it. The sales lady came up to me, and referring to Dylan said, Wow, he's kind of in his own world, isn't he. (Ding Ding Ding, we have a winner! What do we have for her Jonny?) When I told her he was autistic, she felt horrible. It was actually kind of funny. Compared to some of the comments I get from strangers, this one was actually nice. On Friday we went to the Leid's Childrens Discovery Musuem. All of the kids absolutely loved it. For those of you Las Vegans that haven't been there, you must go. It was so awesome. I think I would like to go back there without the kids and read all about everything and try all of the experiments for myself. Dylan was fascinated. He watched how everything worked and he loved the build the race car and drive it down the ramp display. They had so many spinning things there, he was in heaven. I was so sad to see my family go. Dylan plays so amazing with Gunner and Savannah. He is almost like a different kid (that can socialize normally), when he is around them. I can't wait until we get to see them again.
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Alee and Brandon said...

It's the best when family visits, huh!! I always go through withdrawal when ours leave!

Callisters said...

Aren't sisters and nieces and nephews great, and grandmas too!! I have to agree that a lot of things I take my kids to I do it for me. When we leave Build-a-Bear Carson always says, "Court did you have fun?!" Are you coming up this direction anytime soon? If so you should stop by!

Sara B said...

Glad you had such a good time with your family!

The Reese's said...

i'm glad you guys all had fun. sounds like we should stop longer than just pit stops, there's more to do that i thought :) j/k sounds like a fun visit though

Nances said...

Sounds super fun. I can't wait for Lukas to have cousin that live a little closer. Are you coming to Treetown anytime soon?

california smiths said...

It is so nice when family comes, especially for the kids. They just love their cousins. I am glad you've got to see so much family lately!

Thurston Fam said...

How fun Ash!! We just went there the other day when my sis and Liv were here. It is such a awesome place! You'll have to let me know when you go next! We should meet up!