Monday, March 17, 2008

Party in bed

Every night, Livie has a party in her bed. This picture may not be very clear, but if you look closely, you can see her bed is filled with stuffed animals. Jon and I usually give her one to sleep with, but when we go in to check on her, before our bedtime, she has a full house. It is so funny. I usually just line them up on the end of her bed. She doesn't think she can get out of bed when she wakes up, so she crawls to the end and brings all of her toys onto her bed. It reminds me so much of me when I was a little girl. I loved stuffed animals and always had one with me at all times.
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The Reese's said...

that's cute, i wonder if girls are just more cuddly like that. denver barely plays with stuffed animals yet alone try to sleep with them. sounds like she's going to grow up just like you and love animals.

Lisa Summers & Fam said...

This must totally be a girl thing. My daughter still does the same thing. When I try to take her stuffed animals off her bed she tells me she feels bad because she is afraid they will be lonely.

The Simpson Family said...

i love's just like Xan, except we have to give him his friends each night.